Technical advising for ministries,
to help reinforce The Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Simple, modest, adornment of technology in God's Church.
To protect Bible-preaching churches from technology,
with technology. Using attainable, sustainable methods.
-Technology Consulting
- Hardware/ Software Advising
- Project & Technical Management
- Content Creation Producing
- Vodcasts/ Podcasts/ Bumpers
- Tech Training & Recruitment Services
- Design & Process Documentation
LUKE 5:3 - Use what you're given, fish men
EPHESIANS 4:12 - Equipping the saints
COLOSSIANS 3:22-25 - Works for God
EPHESIANS 6:12-24 - Armor of God
JAMES 5:12 - Be true to your word
LUKE 16:10-13 - Steward your lot
ISAIAH 28:10 - Little by little
1. Bring your Bible and something to take notes with.
2. Be fully engaged, fully equipped, and ready to serve.
3. Be Proactive and not Reactive.
4. Silence your smart devices and tune into the Spirit.
5. Be willing to wash the feet of all ministries.
6. Serve, pray, and be ever thankful. to God.
7. Give complete glory to God for our works of worship.
*Don’t forget, you’re not just pushing buttons, you are pushing low-voltage electrical current through miles of intricate circuits and cables, in milliseconds. Nothing you do, for the Kingdom of Heaven, is too small.
“Images are not only visual. They’re also auditory, they involve sensuous impressions, bundles of information that come to us through our senses, and mainly through seeing and hearing; the audio-visual field”
-W.J.T. Mitchell
Jeff Penalber (Pen-all-bur); is a graduate of The Conservatory of Recording Arts & Sciences, CTS certified (AVIXA), OSHA 30 construction certified, and a Production Engineer born and raised in Houston, Texas. Throughout his career, Jeff has toured the nation and worked with hundreds of world-class artists from all across the musical spectrum. He has experience in studio production, live events, room design, acoustic treatment, installation, integration, programming, and training classes for your teams. Jeff is happily married to his wife Nicole, and a father to Tennyson and Calder.
Over the last 25 years, Jeremiah Stone has helped dozens of small and medium-sized organizations creatively stabilize, upgrade, support, and streamline the technology used to further their individual missions and causes. At the same time, his enjoyment of music and live audio production has allowed him to work with various bands, churches, and other organizations that need cost-effective but high-quality audio for their events, programs, and services.
With the ever-increasing amount of technology used in Live Event Production, Jeremiah recently felt the call to merge his lifelong experiences and provide technology-focused audio, video, and business continuity consulting services to small and medium-sized organizations. More specifically, he desires to use his gifts and talents alongside other Christ followers in a manner corresponding with Paul’s writings in 1 Corinthians 12 “…Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good…”
Jeremiah lives in Tomball, TX with his lovely wife, Meredith, and their three daughters, Julie (10), Vivi (8), and Elsie (6).
For additional information about Jeremiah and a handful of the organizations he is actively involved with, please visit: https://jeremiahcstone.com